
by おしゃべり広場事務局



A bulletin board and talk app where you can search for girlfriends, boyfriends, friends and kill time!nThe number of couples formed and the number of people I met are the strongest among matching apps!

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おしゃべり広場は「チャット仲間」や「新しい恋人や友達」を探せる最強のリアルトークアプリです!良いところをあげたらキリがないので、皆さんにとって“使える”ポイントだけを抜粋します。【おしゃべり広場のポイント】本当に出会える確率が超高い!リミット解除でチャットがし放題!めんどくさい登録一切なし。完全自由ですぐに出会い放題!恋活~婚活まで、幅広くカバー!24時間パトロール体制!友達や知り合いにばれず、完全匿名で使える!時間がない大人向け、時短恋愛アプリ!どんな時でも全国の人と暇を潰せる、かまちょなアプリ!IDを教えれば友達も招待できる!近所の人と気軽にチャット友達になれる!出会い系サイトには抵抗があるけど出会いたい人必見!匿名で相談したい、内緒の話しがしたい!長年彼氏や彼女ができない、自分に自信がない、そんな人でも大丈夫!真剣な出会いよりも気軽なチャラい出会いも楽しめる!チャットやデートに失敗しても、無料だから何度でもトライできる!【おしゃべり広場おすすめ機能】・掲示板で異性と出会える。・掲示板を使った出会いを極めれる。・SNSを使ってガチで出逢える。・カラオケやオフ会友達を探せる。・サムネイルで気軽に暇つぶし。・サムネイルでかわいい子イケメン探し放題。・本気で恋愛したいならプロフを細かく設定。・彼女、彼氏とうまくいっていなくても優しい相談相手がたくさんみつかる。・リミット解除でチャットし放題。・リミット解除を極めれば1日1人との出合いも可能。・ヒトコトを活用して飲み友探し。・自分のアピール次第では即会いも。・暇人同士でのチャットもし放題。・夜寝る前に女性とチャットしたいなら夜の掲示板を見逃すな。・できれば近所の人の方がいいなら距離検索。【注意事項】1.当アプリは利用規約に同意の上ご利用頂く必要がございます。2.18才未満の方のご利用はご遠慮ください。3.広告目的の投稿、誘導、勧誘行為を行ったアカウントは即刻削除します。4.退会すると全てのデータが削除されます。削除されたデータは復元できませんこと予めご了承ください。Talking Square is the strongest real talk app that allows you to search for "chat friends" and "new lovers and friends"!If you give a good point, there is no end to it, so I will extract only the points that you can use.[Points of Talking Square]The probability of meeting you really is very high!Unlimited chat with unlimited chat!No troublesome registration. Completely free and unlimited encounters right away!A wide range of coverage from love activities to marriage activities!24-hour patrol system!You can use it completely anonymously without being exposed to friends and acquaintances!A time-saving romance app for adults who dont have time!A crazy app that lets you kill time with people all over the country at any time!You can invite your friends by telling them your ID!Feel free to chat with your neighbors!A must-see for anyone who has resistance to dating sites but wants to meet!I want to talk anonymously, I want to talk secretly!Even those who cant have a boyfriend or girlfriend for many years or who arent confident in themselves are okay!You can enjoy casual encounters rather than serious encounters!Even if you fail to chat or date, you can try as many times as you like because its free![Recommended functions for chatting open space]・ You can meet the opposite sex on the bulletin board.・ You can master the encounter using the bulletin board.・ You can meet with SNS using SNS.・ You can search for karaoke and off-line friends.・ Feel free to kill time with thumbnails.・ All-you-can-search for cute handsome boys with thumbnails.・ If you really want to have a romance, set the profile in detail.・ I can find a lot of friendly counselors even if I dont go well with my girlfriend and boyfriend.・ Unlimited chat by releasing the limit.・ If you release the limit, you can meet one person a day.・ Search for drinking friends by utilizing Hitokoto.・ Depending on your appeal, you can meet immediately.・ Unlimited chat between leisure people.・ If you want to chat with a woman before going to bed at night, dont miss the bulletin board at night.・ If possible, search the distance if you prefer a neighbor.【Notes】1. You need to agree to the terms of use before using this app.2. Please refrain from using this service if you are under 18 years old.3. Immediately delete the account that posted, guided, or solicited for advertising purposes.4. If you unsubscribe, all data will be deleted. Please note that deleted data cannot be restored.バグを修正致しました。